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Career Coaching - Authentic Vocation 2nd Half Package

Career Coaching - Authentic Vocation 2nd Half Package

Have you been feeling restless or discontent in your job? Like something is missing, but you don’t know what? Do you want to be in another work environment better suited to you, but not quite sure how to get there or where to start?


The key may be a whole new approach to career development: Authentic Vocation (AV).  Authentic Vocation is an approach that is different from other skills-based approaches to identifying your calling or ideal work. Instead, it starts with your life purpose and builds a template for your ideal work from that critical base.


“Authentic” means genuine, aligned with one’s essence;


“Vocation” denotes a calling; a profession to which one is particularly suited; a life’s work, so “Authentic Vocation” is work that genuinely expresses people’s talents in ways that allow them to contribute fully.


This coaching service covers the final four (4) Authentic Vocation (AV) career coaching process: 


  • Work & Other Experiences
  • Desired Job/Career
  • Environment
  • Business Reality


This program is best for those who have short term plans to change careers and need to change jobs more quickly.   We will meet weekly at an agreed upon time to cover the final four steps in the AV process and do a full resume reivew/rewrite per an assessment. Full payment is required to receive scheduling invitation, all supporting documentation and resources.  


I look forward to helping you on this journey! 



    AEJ Consulting - Career & Leadership Coaching

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